More jobs, better jobs
Danish Construction Unions goal is to make the construction sector more attractive for current and future employees.
Danish Contruction Unions is a collaboration for the seven leading trade unions in the Danish building industry.
Our goal is to strenghten the industry at home and abroad, by advocating for collective bargaining agreements that ensure fair wages and working conditions, promoting a good working environment, and securing sufficient apprenticeship positions and genuine job opportunities.
Additionally, Danish Construction Unions engages in political and administrative matters both at the national level and in the EU to promote a stronger construction industry with more and better jobs.
This work is essential for ensuring sustainable growth and development in the sector, as well as attracting new talent to the trades within the construction industry.
Our seven memberorganizations represents a total of close to 90.000 skilled and unskilled contruction workers.
They work as bricklayers, plumbers, painters, electricians, welders, technicians, constructors, designers and administrative roles.
Contact us
General inquiries about Danish Construction Unions, the Danish construction industry and labor market, contact:
Director Søren Sand Kirk
Telephone: +45 26 27 94 43
Inquiries regarding the Danish Construction Unions work in EU, EFBWW and ITUC, contact:
Political advisor Nikolaj Villumsen
Telephone: +45 28 29 43 40
Useful links
List of translators in Danish Construction Unions member organizations.